Whats Involved Fitting Solar?

Fitting Solar – How Hard Will It Be?

Solar Wiring Diagram


Fitting Solar or an installation of Solar for home user’s is now much simpler than it used to be, hybrid inverters like the ones we sell have most items installed, i.e the inverter itself, the MPPT, a battery charger (should you want to store energy) and even a solar power meter (used to calculate how much is going back onto the grid)

fitting solar, how hard is it to do?

For all us 12v, 24, 48, it’s even more simple as all we want is to replace the charge taken out of the storage (batteries) as quickly as possible so calculate how much you take out of a given day, then work out how many panels (from the amperage of each panel) you need, leave room obviously for dull days that the panels aren’t working at full capacity!

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